If a part is listed as Available from Sweden below, we encourage you to send us a quick email asking if a particular part number is available before you place an order.

If the item is available for delivery, but the part is not commonly ordered from Sweden, please expect at least 4 weeks for delivery. We work to keep those lead times as short as possible.

When in doubt, send a quick email. A little extra time in the beginning can help save weeks of time in the end.


Part NumberImageDescriptionQuantity AvailablePriceBuy
9500120[9500120] Engine & Transmission Mount Kit (1999-2001 9-5 4-Cyl Automatic) [ESAAB KITS]Back Ordered$289.09We are not taking orders on this product at this time due to a backorder from the supplier of the OES Saab Original part.


  NOTE    Certain parts only appear on this page due to not being mapped into a section diagram page, are non-USA parts, or a few other reasons.